Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Stockholm is an incredible city and I want to live there (in the summer time).

I ingratiated myself to some of the famously gorgeous locals.

This is the Vasa. It sank within one nautical mile of harbor on its maiden voyage. 300 years later it was excavated and presented in this pretty incredible museum. The Vasa was a great warship, built to be the grandest in Europe, and is second only to the titanic in Nautical Metaphors.

During its three year construction, the King kept making demands for a bigger, grander boat with more cannons and more decks, etc. No one told him that damn thing would capsize, lest they risk his wrath. And so it did, right in front of the thousands who had turned out to see off this grand new symbol of power.

Also, there were extensive exhibits illustrating life on sailing vessels of that time (1628). It ws tremendously uncomfortable, and we should be grateful and amazed by the ease of transport we enjoy. I won't even get into the exhibit on the ship's dentist.

In the Nobel Museum I saw Galileo's telescope. He built it by hand, and this is the only one left in the world. What an inspiring fellow! Condemned by the church to house arrest for his assertion that the earth moved around the sun... Paradigm shifting has always been hard work.

Stockholm by unicycle. The kid actually tipped his cap at me as rode by. It was perfect.

This is a great example of bike infrastructure. Clever, Aesthetic, Integrated. Nice.

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